Company Blog Ideas

March 27, 2015

Company Blog IdeasHaving a company blog is almost as important as investing in quality web design/development and getting a website that creates a great impression. Blogging has recently become one of the most effective ways of attracting clients, generating traffic and securing leads. An interesting, engaging blog is like a well made, impressive display in a physical store - it gets customers in, familiarizes them with your wares and services, and makes them welcome and comfortable. 

But what to write about? This is a question that many companies ask themselves when deciding on article topics. Where to begin and what to describe in the articles? With the real need to generate fresh content at least a few times a week, thinking up topics can be a challenging task. 

For this purpose we have created this list of four main blog topic categories, which work for most businesses. It will get you started and help you generate ideas as you go along to fill your blog with fresh and interesting content that your potential clients will enjoy and appreciate. Bookmark this page and go back to it every time you are stuck looking for ideas, we have done this for you! Each topic contains a link to an example(s) to show you exactly how this looks. Enjoy!

1.Write about industry news. This is big and can easily give you a few month’s worth of blog topics. No matter what your industry is - dentistry, renovations, window cleaning or electronics - there is always news to talk about. New trends, solutions and techniques are popping up all the time. Write about them, inform your clients and attract them to you.

2.Questions by your customers, including those they never asked but should have. Show them you care and want them to feel comfortable. It is not so much an FAQ section (which is often written in a boring, instruction-based manner), but an interesting tour around the place where they are treated as guests and shown the different aspects and benefits of your products and services.

3.Inform your clients about Technical Issues that may arise (especially if they are doing it on their own). This is super useful as it builds trust between you and the customers. You are honestly telling them what they need to do, in order to make sure the product works and the service helps. In addition, you are giving them fair warnings in regards to the obstacles they may face if they intend to do the work (or part of it) by themselves. This is especially applicable to services such as renovations, interior design, web development and other relatively replicable practices that you can learn by yourself to some extent. Be helpful and they will come back to you.

4.Share Useful Industry Statistics. The client may be trying to decide between similar services, and helping or informing them can go a long way towards gaining their appreciation and trust. This information can help them decide between Cable and DSL internet, Shellac and Nail Attachments, Shutters and Drapes, Plasma and LED screens, it doesn’t matter. Give the clients an honest market overview with pros and cons on each decision, and they will come back for more and favour you as their source of shopping.

This should keep your blog nice and full for a good long time, to keep the clients coming. Stay tuned for more updates from SWS, about blog ideas and other web solutions!