Advanced Hosting and Support

Advanced Hosting and Support

Advanced hosting and suport packages start at $150.00 per month and include the following:

  • SSL certificate, so your website will appear as secure (Example
  • 24/7 monitoring, ongoing pinging of your website and immediate reaction in case of any issues noted
  • Advanced backups with 7 days retention
  • Advanced firewall protection
  • Email notifications processing through dedicated email server to insure the following:
    • You and your clients are receiving all email notifications from the website promptly;
    • You are not going to be effected by other website on the server.
    • Ability to track delivery of emails and reason for any "failed" deliveries*
  • Server updates - ensuring that hosting account and related server get regular updates and security patches
  • Advanced DDos attack protection
  • CDN protection - cache website content for faster and reliable delivery (resulting in significant reduction of server load and operation of the website without performance drop when you get more visitors)
  • Your actual website IP will be hidden (important security feature)
  • Advanced technical support - up to 2 hours email / phone / live chat support with up to 24 hours response time, that includes little tweaks to the website like updating address, texts and images on the website.
  • Creating protected development environment in case you need to do website updates
  • Website will be hosted on SSD drive to increase performance and load time
  • Optional: Up to 3 emails on dedicated email server (if more than 3 mailboxes, every additional will be $5.00 / month)
    • Advanced Spam protection
    • 25GB per mail box
    • IMAP / POP / Webmail access, you will be able to access with outlook, mobile devices as well as you will have a web mail access.
    • 50MB attachments
    • Free domain and email aliases
  • Google Analytcs and Webamsters Tools Installation
  • + Many more features

More advanced packages are available as well. Please Contact Us for more details.

* Some limits apply to the number of outgoing emails in the basick package.