
The Pickle Barrel

Our task was to automate the process of placing dining in and take out orders for all locations. We created user friendly interface, encouraging visitors to browse menus and to place orders. Visitors can easily find the nearest location to place their orders.

Website Design

  • Created visually attractive appearance
  • Intuitive navigation targeted for visitors with limited computer knowledge

Web Development
Front-end – What Visitors See

  • Company information presented in attractive manner
  • Secure login and registration
  • Browse through offered products selection
  • Food ordering process
  • Custom quote generation
  • Tracking of past quotes

Back-end – Administration and Automated Processes

  • Incoming Quotes Management
  • Secure Login:  password protected back end system, assigned to specific IPs
  • User Management:  ability to add/remove users
  • Content Management System (CMS)
    • easy and intuitive options to change text and images on the site
  • Site Statistics Generation:  daily/monthly/yearly reports generation
  • Products Management:  add/modify products with different options and settings
  • Price Managements:  adapt product price to selected options
  • Orders Management:  browse, search, change status, see all time history

Technologies Used

  • PHP, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, HTML, DHTML, MySQL