
Students Metro Group

Students' Metro Group is dedicated to improving students' lives and to building stronger, better student communities. The main objective of the project was to create an easy-to-use social network for students across North America.

Website Design

  • Creates visually attractive appearance
  • Motivates visitors to sign on and browse through the site
  • Provides intuitive navigation
  • Designed logo
  • Reinforces groups identity using group colors, fonts, their desired overall appearance

Web Development
Front-end What Visitors See

  • Secure user registration and login
  • Profile Management: upload pictures, create galleries, blogs
  • Friends Management: add/remove friends
  • Classifieds Section: upload items for sale, or items user wishes to buy
  • Easy browsing and intuitive navigation
  • Advances Classifieds Search:
    • See most popular searches
    • Searches that returned maximum results
    • Most recent searches performed by other users
  • Users Communication: ability to send and receive private messages through the site
  • Notifications: users receive emails if message received while they are online

Back-end Administration and Automated Processes

  • Secure Login: Password protected back end system, assigned to specific IPs
  • User Management: add/remove/ban users
  • Communication: send mass messages to selected users group
  • Content Management System (CMS)
    • easy and intuitive options to change text and images on the site
  • Site Statistics: number of registered and logged in users per day/month/year
  • Incoming Requests Management: browse through requests received in email and through Contact Us form, and reply to the questions

Technologies Used

  • PHP, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, HTML, DHTML, MySQL, RSS generation, Amazon API, EBAY API

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Optimized website for following industries: Jobs for students and Textbooks for saleResult: SEO directs hundreds of users to website searching for books and jobs on a daily basis