
Virtual National Team

The Virtual National Team (VINT) social network gives you the ability to express yourself as an individual and to communicate with other people as a member of your country's Virtual National Team.

Website Design

  • Visually appealing design
  • Intuitive navigation
  • Social network design
  • Logo design

Web Development
Front-end – What Visitors See

  • Users regulation and login
  • Add and browse blogs, galleries, videos, calendars, and collectible items
  • Social networking functionality and options
  • Private messaging system
  • Ability to comment on all user generated content

Back-end – Administration and Automated Processes

  • User management:  edit information, ban based on email or IP
  • User added content management:  browse, edit, delete
  • Site statistics:  number of users registered and logged per selected time period

Technologies Used

  • PHP, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, HTML, DHTML, MySQL, YouTube videos integration, RSS generation