Using toast messages instead of throwing errors in an Angular application

December 06, 2023

Using toast messages instead of throwing errors in an Angular application is a common practice and can offer several advantages, but it also comes with some considerations. Here are the pros and cons, along with insights into how it may affect future development processes:


  1. User Experience:

    • Toast messages provide a non-intrusive and user-friendly way to communicate information to users without interrupting their workflow.
  2. Visual Feedback:

    • Toast messages offer a visual cue that something has occurred, giving users immediate feedback on their actions.
  3. Better Flow:

    • By using toasts, you can prevent error pages from disrupting the user experience, creating a smoother flow through the application.
  4. Consistency:

    • Toasts can be styled consistently across the application, maintaining a unified look and feel.
  5. Asynchronous Operations:

    • When dealing with asynchronous operations, using toasts allows you to provide feedback to the user without blocking the UI.


  1. Lost Information:

    • While toasts are great for notifying users about actions, they may not convey detailed information about the error, potentially making it harder for developers to troubleshoot.
  2. Accessibility:

    • Ensure that the use of toasts is accessible to users with disabilities. Screen readers may not interpret toast messages in the same way as visual users, so provide alternative methods of communication.
  3. Overuse:

    • Overusing toast messages for non-critical information can lead to user fatigue and make it less likely for users to notice important messages.
  4. Maintenance:

    • Ensure that the implementation of toasts is maintained and updated as the application evolves. Changes in the Angular framework or other libraries may require updates to the toast functionality.

Future Development:

  1. Scalability:

    • As your application grows, using toasts can be scalable if implemented consistently. They can be extended to handle different types of notifications or messages.
  2. Error Logging:

    • Consider logging errors on the server side even if you display toasts to users. This ensures that critical information is captured for debugging and monitoring purposes.
  3. Adaptability:

    • Keep the implementation modular and adaptable. If future requirements or user feedback suggest a different approach, having a flexible implementation will make it easier to make changes.
  4. Documentation:

    • Document the use of toasts and any conventions related to error handling in your application. This helps new developers understand the chosen approach and maintain consistency.

In conclusion, using toast messages for non-critical errors in Angular can enhance the user experience, but it's important to strike a balance and consider the needs of both users and developers. Proper documentation and adaptability in your implementation will contribute to a smoother development process in the future.